Wednesday Tabletalk Study and Prayer:

Wednesday Evenings Tabletalk Study meets at 6 PM

Come join us weekly at 6 pm for a study in the monthly magazine at the church. Enjoy learning and a time of fellowship…

Table Talk Study

Schedule for February 2025

February 05  “How To Follow Jesus” ~ Pg. 30
February 12  “Strength For The Weary” ~ Pg. 56
February 19  “Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining
” ~ Pg. 68
February 26  “Themes in Hebrews” ~ Pg. 72
Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining

Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining

When my kids were young, my wife and I taught them a little song to help them check their attitude. It went like this: Why complain about your clothes and your shoes, Why complain about your teacher and her rules, Why complain when so many have no home, Why complain when you have one of your own?…

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Strength for the Weary

Strength for the Weary

The book of Isaiah contains many beautiful promises, but none more reassuring than the one found in Isaiah 41:10: “I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” The prophet is looking into the future, to the days when the…

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How to Follow Jesus

How to Follow Jesus

Jesus was a popular preacher. People were “traveling with Jesus” (Luke 14:25, NIV); like a popular performer, He had followers. So what did He do? He thinned the “great crowds” by revealing the cost of discipleship (Matt. 13:2, 22). Jesus wasn’t dispiriting sincere devotees…

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The Holy Spirit’s Work through Us

The Holy Spirit’s Work through Us

How should Christians engage with culture? The answer to that question is hotly contested, and many proposals set down the wrong track. We discover in Jesus’ description of His people in Matthew 5:13–16 key principles to guide our answer. His choice images—the salt of the earth and…

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Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

The mark of a truly converted man is the fruit of the Spirit that is love (Gal. 5:22). Love for the brethren was Christ’s new commandment (John 13:34–35). After Jonathan Edwards saw a spiritual awakening of his congregation in 1734–35, he preached…

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Promise Box

Promise Box

I first came across one some fifty years ago: a somewhat small, ornate box, complete with tweezers with which one pulled out a tiny card on which was printed a promise from the Bible. Sure enough, there were 365 cards, one for each day of the year…

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Portrait of a Prayer Wrestler

Portrait of a Prayer Wrestler

Another new year has come, and with it comes this perennial question: “How can I make this year better than the previous one?” For the spiritually minded, thoughts turn to spiritual wellness. Most Christians will have to admit that the area…

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Labor and Rest

Labor and Rest

“He who dies with the most toys wins.” “I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.” If you are of a certain age, you may remember seeing these bumper stickers on the backs of cars. They capture much of the way that the world looks at work…

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Winter Seasons

Winter Seasons

Each winter, the vibrant flowers and lush landscape outside the back window transform into a sober, muted palette. Trees become stark sketches of brown against the white snow, while the deep greens of spruces and pines jut into the endless…

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Go to My Brothers

Go to My Brothers

Jesus had cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2). Having been forgiven much, she loved much. She demonstrated this love when she awoke very early in the morning after the Sabbath to visit the tomb in which Jesus…

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Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

One of the greatest benefits of life in the local church is a shared memory of our history and shared thanksgiving in the Lord’s manifold provisions. Seeing the church as a great cloud of witnesses provides storehouses of…

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Seeing Sin for What It Is

Seeing Sin for What It Is

Things are not always as they appear. A calm sea can mask a deadly undertow, and a fleeting pleasure can hide the seeds of destruction. This is the nature of life in a fallen world—appearances can deceive. Nowhere is this more true than in the realm of sin…

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Heading Sin off at the Pass

Heading Sin off at the Pass

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin” (1 John 2:1). Centuries ago, the Apostle John took up his pen under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and wrote those words. He was referring to his purpose in writing his short epistle…

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The Covenant of Works

The Covenant of Works

By themselves, individual bricks look nothing like a completed building. But joined together, each individual brick is one smaller part of a greater assembled whole—a building. We can say the same about the surveyed scriptural data:

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Paul’s Nephew to the Rescue

Paul’s Nephew to the Rescue

“Now the son of Paul’s sister heard of their ambush, so he went and entered the barracks and told Paul. Paul called one of the centurions and said, ‘Take this young man to the tribune, for he has something to tell him’” (vv. 16–17).

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What Keeps You Going?

What Keeps You Going?

What draws you out of bed and gets you going each day? Is it the smell of your morning coffee? Is it the demands of work or family life? Asking it another way: What drives or impels you, deep down, to live another day…

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A Thousand Years of Christ’s Reign

A Thousand Years of Christ’s Reign

Eschatology concerns the doctrine of the last things, and it involves both personal eschatology—what happens to us as individuals at the end of our lives—and the events leading up to the return of Christ to consummate His kingdom…

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Christ the Worship Leader

Christ the Worship Leader

Sinclair Ferguson has publicly recounted that when serving as a guest preacher, he has been approached by an energetic young person announcing, “I’m the worship leader at this church.” Dr. Ferguson says he has had to bite his tongue…

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From Generation to Generation

From Generation to Generation

It is sad to observe the children of faithful parents turn aside from the Lord. We see it throughout the Scriptures. Adam and Eve raise a son named Cain; one of Abraham’s sons is Ishmael; Manasseh follows his father,…

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One Body

One Body

Men can be quite competitive. When a group of men gets together, they will often try to one-up one another in terms of ability, intellect, or achievements. This is often good-natured, as the men encourage one…

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Hypocrisy and Its Answer

Hypocrisy and Its Answer

Recently, I met an old man who used to attend church when he was young. He told me how he had left his church because of hypocrisy. Church members who acted devoutly on Sunday…

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Who Are the Poor in Spirit?

Who Are the Poor in Spirit?

I want a great life. Don’t we all? You might say that it depends on what I mean by great. The world defines a great life as a comfortable, easy sort of life with no trouble whatsoever. Health, wealth,…

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Secret Things

Secret Things

Perhaps someone has asked you the question, “What is your favorite Bible verse?” This is impossible to answer satisfactorily, but when we read older Christian writers, we can begin to see which Bible verses…

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Tabletalk Study
Tabletalk Study

Tabletalk Study

Fairfield Presbyterian Church, PCA

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