We Are Not Our Own

We Are Not Our Own

We Are Not Our Own by R. Carlton Wynne From TABLETALK Picture a gemologist holding up a large diamond pulled from a mountain of precious gems. John Calvin’s articulation of the essence of Christian living is like that. Deep in his Institutes of the Christian Religion,...
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit by Jeremy Walker From TABLETALK It sounds good. “The fruit of the Spirit.” So lively, so positive. We may speak of it, wish for it, even pray for it. Tragically, though, we might overlook or neglect it, perhaps deceived by a shallow...
I Believe in the Holy Spirit

I Believe in the Holy Spirit

I Believe in the Holy Spirit by Sinclair Ferguson From TABLETALK Modern Bible translations are in the news these days, sometimes for controversial reasons. But one universal benefit of them is that the Holy Spirit is no longer referred to as “it.” Curiously, a chief...
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption by O. Palmer Robertson From TABLETALK There’s a poem for children by Christina G. Rossetti that captures at once something of the wonder of the wind, as well as the concreteness of its work: Who has seen the wind?Neither you...
The Work of the Holy Spirit in History

The Work of the Holy Spirit in History

The Work of the Holy Spirit in History by Derek W.H. Thomas From TABLETALK Composed in the eighth century and part of the Roman breviary of Vespers, Veni Creator Spiritus is a hymn extolling the Holy Spirit. John Dryden’s magnificent translation renders the opening...
He Maketh No Mistake

He Maketh No Mistake

He Maketh No Mistake by Meredith L. Myers From TABLETALK When I was eighteen, I was in a skiing accident that devastated my day-to-day practices and plans. And many were those plans (Prov. 19:21). My life came to a standstill, while my world contentedly moved on...