Planned Prayer

Planned Prayer

Planned Prayer by R. Carlton Wynne My mother recently posed an encouraging, convicting, and thought-provoking question: “Should I pray every day for everything on my prayer list, or is there a better way?” My mom acknowledged that with her current approach, she...
Gospel Resilience

Gospel Resilience

Gospel Resilience by Kara Dedert Living in a fallen world means an experience with suffering—disappointment, trouble, illness, death, and losses of varying degrees are intertwined with the joys of life. Some people have less, others more, but suffering is a common...
The Liberty Christ Hath Purchased

The Liberty Christ Hath Purchased

The Liberty Christ Hath Purchased by J.V. Fesko The liberty which Christ hath purchased for believers under the gospel consists in their freedom from the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, the curse of the moral law; and, in their being delivered from this...
Unchanging Truth in a Changing World

Unchanging Truth in a Changing World

Unchanging Truth in a Changing World by W. Robert Godfrey A television advertisement shows a cartoonish person walking with his head in a cloud or a fog or a ball of cotton. The tagline reads “The joy of certainty” as the cloud lifts and the figure walks on happily....
True Repentance unto Life

True Repentance unto Life

True Repentance unto Life by Aaron L. Garriott   The concept of repentance is per­vasive in Scripture, yet it can be difficult to define. On the one hand, repentance is the most natural thing sinners can do; on the other hand, repentance is a most spiritual thing. On...
Rejoicing in Suffering

Rejoicing in Suffering

Rejoicing in Suffering From TABLETALK Acts 5:41–42 “[The Apostles] left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and...