Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians From TABLETALK by Carl D. Robbins The mark of a truly converted man is the fruit of the Spirit that is love (Gal. 5:22). Love for the brethren was Christ’s new commandment (John 13:34–35). After Jonathan Edwards saw a spiritual...
Promise Box

Promise Box

Promise Box From TABLETALK by Derek W.H. Thomas I first came across one some fifty years ago: a somewhat small, ornate box, complete with tweezers with which one pulled out a tiny card on which was printed a promise from the Bible. Sure enough, there were 365 cards,...
Portrait of a Prayer Wrestler

Portrait of a Prayer Wrestler

Portrait of a Prayer Wrestler From TABLETALK by Robert W. Carver Another new year has come, and with it comes this perennial question: “How can I make this year better than the previous one?” For the spiritually minded, thoughts turn to spiritual wellness. Most...
Labor and Rest

Labor and Rest

Labor and Rest From TABLETALK by Guy Prentiss Waters “He who dies with the most toys wins.” “I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.” If you are of a certain age, you may remember seeing these bumper stickers on the backs of cars. They capture much of the way that the...
Winter Seasons

Winter Seasons

Winter Seasons From TABLETALK by Kara Dedert Each winter, the vibrant flowers and lush landscape outside the back window transform into a sober, muted palette. Trees become stark sketches of brown against the white snow, while the deep greens of spruces and pines jut...