Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining

Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining

Grumbling, Murmuring, and Complaining by Michael E. Osborne From TABLETALK When my kids were young, my wife and I taught them a little song to help them check their attitude. It went like this: Why complain about your clothes     and your shoes,Why complain about your...
Strength for the Weary

Strength for the Weary

Strength for the Weary by Derek W.H. Thomas From TABLETALK The book of Isaiah contains many beautiful promises, but none more reassuring than the one found in Isaiah 41:10: “I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” The...
How to Follow Jesus

How to Follow Jesus

How to Follow Jesus by William Boekestein From TABLETALK Jesus was a popular preacher. People were “traveling with Jesus” (Luke 14:25, NIV); like a popular performer, He had followers. So what did He do? He thinned the “great crowds” by revealing the cost of...
The Holy Spirit’s Work through Us

The Holy Spirit’s Work through Us

The Holy Spirit’s Work through Us by Daniel Schrock From TABLETALK How should Christians engage with culture? The answer to that question is hotly contested, and many proposals set down the wrong track. We discover in Jesus’ description of His people in Matthew...
Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians

Assuming the Best of Fellow Christians From TABLETALK by Carl D. Robbins The mark of a truly converted man is the fruit of the Spirit that is love (Gal. 5:22). Love for the brethren was Christ’s new commandment (John 13:34–35). After Jonathan Edwards saw a spiritual...