Welcome To Fairfield Church, PCA

Where Lives are Transformed by God’s Word and Spirit

Pastor Christopher M. O’Brien

Home page for Fairfield Church
Home page for Fairfield Church

Latest Fairfield Sermon Audio

March 30, 2025

March 30, 2025
Sermon Title “Saved by Faith”
Acts 1:1-10
Pastor Chris O’Brien:  Saved by Faith
Bulletin PDF: Click here

Tuesday Women’s Study

Weekly at 10 AM

Wednesday Tabletalk Study and Prayer

Weekly at 6 PM

Friday Men’s Prayer Group

Men’s Prayer Group continues to meets at the office Friday mornings @ 6:30 AM for devotions and prayer.

Saturday Men's Study Group

Men’s Study Group meets at the Chick-fil-A  Saturday mornings @ 9:00 AM for devotions and prayer.
1211 W Landis Ave
Vineland, NJ 08360

Sunday Morning Worship:

10 AM, In the sanctuary.

Sunday School:

Immediately following the morning worship service
11:20 AM -12:00 PM

The adult Sunday School class is meeting in fellowship hall downstairs.

Childrens Sunday school classes will continue to meet in the church annex.

Sunday Evening Worship:

6 PM, In the sanctuary.

Women’s Study:

The weekly Womens Study meets at 10 AM


Weds. Tabletalk Study
and Prayer:

Wednesday Evenings Tabletalk Study meets at 6 PM


Friday Men’s Prayer Group:

Men’s Prayer Group continues to meets at the office Friday mornings @ 6:30 AM for devotions and prayer.

Saturday Men’s Study Group:

Men’s Study Group meets at the Chick-fil-A  Saturday mornings @ 9:00 AM for devotions and prayer.
1211 W Landis Ave
Vineland, NJ 08360

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Home page for Fairfield Church